Compliant with SFF Transceiver MSA SpecificationCompliant with SONET and SDH StandardsData Rate up to 2.5Gbit / sTransmission Distance up to 80kmBuilt-in Optical Isolator for DFB LDPin-...
Compliant with SFF Transceiver MSA SpecificationCompliant with SONET and SDH StandardsData Rate up to 2.5Gbit / sTransmission Distance up to 80kmBuilt-in Optical Isolator for DFB LDPin-...
The Polarization Maintaining Isolator is characterized with low insertion loss, high isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal for polarization maintaining fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, high spee...
The Isolator Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a compact device which provides both polarization beam combining and optical isolation in one integrated component. The most common a...
IsolatorsCirculatorsSwitchesWDMSignal Processing Specifications:ParametersValuesTypeStandardLong working distanceWorking Distance (mm)<20<100GradePAAInsertion Loss(λc,23℃) (dB)(λc @1310&1550nm)Typ. Loss(λc,23℃) (dB)(λc @980&1064nm)Typ.
WSLS with DFB LD chip, wavelength 1310±2nm, output power≥15.00mw, 14-pin butterfly package built-in optical Isolator and thermoelectric cooler, 1.00±0.10m polarization-maintaining optical fibre pig...
SLED broadband light source with SLED chip, wavelength 1310/1400/1490/1550/1610±10nm, power ≥5mw,14-pin butterfly package built in optical Isolator and thermoelectric cooler, 1.0m single-mode pigtail&...
WSLS with DFB LD chip, wavelength 1527nm--1610nm , power10mw--20mw, 14-pin butterfly package built-in optical Isolator and thermoelectric cooler. Specifications: C-Band Wavelengths List and Code...