81534A 回波损耗模块,InGaAs,60 dB/65dB
The Agilent Return Loss Meters are ideal for making measurements on fast telecommunications systems, such as filters, multiplexers, cross-connects, amplifiers and whole systems under test. They can also be deployed in both R&D and production environments and are suitable for singlemode applications.
Return loss measurements can be made using a power meter such as the Agilent 8153A or 8163A lightwave multimeter and the Agilent 81534A return loss module. The return loss module contains a sensitive detector and a directional coupler. The source illuminates the test device, while the directional coupler and detector sense only the power that is traveling in the reverse direction. This system is best suited for accurate measurement of devices with a single reflection such as connectors, splices and attenuators. It is also used to measure the aggregate or "total" return loss of a device with multiple reflections