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首页 > 包含“Varian”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 259 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [干涉仪] 白光干涉检测仪

      日期:2022-05-17 09:33:31点击:1626

      随着白光干涉测量技术的发展和完善,在微电子、微机械、微光学等领域,白光干涉检测仪可以提供更高精度的检测需求。 中图仪器SuperViewW1白光干涉仪属于3D测量领域检测的高精度检测仪器之一,其在同等系统放大倍率下检测精度和重复精度都高于共聚焦显微镜和聚焦成像显微镜,在一些纳米级和亚纳米级超精密加工领域,除了白光干涉...

    • [光放大器] 可变增益掺铒光纤放大器 (EDFA)

      日期:2022-02-18 09:52:16点击:1374

      t         光增益可调节 t         独占模式工作 t         内部集成OPEAK可变增益放大器模块 t         CATV/SDH/DWDM光传输系统 t &nbs...

    • [光源] 23dBm C+L波段增益平坦可调ASE光源模块

      日期:2022-02-18 09:52:07点击:1564

      t        输出功率高(23 dBm) t        C波段光谱平坦(典型值2.5 dB) t        结构尺寸紧凑(162 x 112 x 29.5 mm) t        优异的光功率稳定性 t  ...

    • [激光器] 超窄线宽DFB激光器

      日期:2022-02-18 09:51:59点击:1247

      t        外腔式(ECL)半导体激光器 t        超窄线宽(典型值50kHz可选) t        极低相对强度噪声 t        高功率输出 t      ...

    • [棱镜] Glan Laser Polarizer格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:13点击:1092

      产品特点Glan laser prisms is a glan taylor polarizer that is specially designed for high energy application. The side of housing is drilled two holes. The ordinary ray is reflected through an angle and exits the polarizer through one of holes.  •   高偏振度  •   宽波...

    • [棱镜] Glan Thompson Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:08点击:905

      产品特点Glan thompson polarizer consists two same calcite prisms which are comented together. The extraordinary ray is transmitted, while ordinary ray is deflected and absorbed. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite Wavelength Range: a -BBO: 220-3500 nGlan thompson polarizer consists two same calcite pri...

    • [棱镜] Wollaston Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:39:03点击:900

      产品特点Wa llaston polarizer can separate an incident beam into two rays: extraordinary and ordinary ray with a deviation angle which is dependent on wavelength. Both rays are transmitted through the other surface. Specifications: Material : a -BBO, Calcite.Wallaston polarizer can separate an incident beam in...

    • [棱镜] Rochon Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:56点击:774

      产品参数Specifications:Material:a-BBO, CalciteWavelength Range:a-BBO:200-3500nm, Calcite:350-2300 nmExtinction Ratio:Calcite:<5x10-5; a-BBO:<5x10-6Parallelism:<1 arc MinSurface Quality:20/10Beam Deviation:< 3 arc minutesWavefornt Distortion:λ/4@632.8nmDamage Threshold:>500 MW/cm2Coating:Single...

    • [棱镜] Glan Taylor Polarizer 格兰棱镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:38:50点击:692

      产品特点Glan Taylor Polarizer is a device that produces linearly polarized light from light of other states of polarization. Glan taylor polarizer consists two calcite prisms which are separated by an air space. Glan taylor polarizer will divide an entering unpolarized产品参数Specifications of Glan Taylo...

    • [透镜] CaF2 Plano Concave Lens 红外透镜

      日期:2021-10-15 12:37:06点击:983

      产品特点The Plano Concave Lenses are made from BK7 material, which are manufactured with one concave surface and one plane surface. These lenses have negative focal lengths. These lenses diverge collimated incident light. They form virtual images which are seen through the lens. They are often used to expand ...