WIN PMD 3633 PMD分析仪
发布时间:2015-11-13 信息有效期:30天 浏览:1552次 举报
- 信息分类: -
- 所在区域:广东省 - 深圳市
- 有效日期:30天
- 信息类型:采购信息
- 联 系 人:王海涛;成都呼永
- 联系电话:0755-86641139;028-85224905
- 联系传真:0755-86641139-816
- 电子邮件
WIN-PMD is an interferometric PMD analyzer meeting all PMD measurement requirements in one turn-key, stand-alone package. It is the ideal tool for fast, stable, and extremely accurate measurements from 0.06 to 80 ps on installed cables or in fiber manufacturing.