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首页 > 包含“NC”的产品搜索结果

    共搜索到 2043 个产品 免费发布信息
    • [其它光无源器件] 2μm 在线起偏器(In-line Polarizer)

      日期:2013-06-18 11:35:47点击:2697

      NCtion ratio. It can also be used to enhaNCe the extiNCtion ratio of signals with its excellent polarization properties. It is ideal for high speed communication systems and&n...

    • [光隔离器] 保偏隔离器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:35:38点击:2620

             The Polarization Maintaining Isolator is characterized with low insertion loss, high isolation, high return loss, high extiNCtion ratio and excellent environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal for polarization maintaining fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, high spee...

    • [其它光无源器件] 在线式起偏器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:35:31点击:2139

      The In-Line Polarizer is designed to pass light with one specific polarization while blocking the other polarization. It can be used to convert unpolarized light into polarized light with high extiNCtion ratio. It can also be used to enhaNCe the extiNCtion ratio of signals with its excellent polarization prop...

    • [光分路器/光耦合器] PBS--偏振光束分路器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:37点击:2731

      NCe.Specifications:ParametersUnitSingle StageDual StageCenter Wavelength (λc)nm1310, 1480 or 1550Operating Wavelength Rangenmλc ± 20Typ. Insertion lossdB0.450.55Max. Insertion lossdB0.70.8Min. IsolationdB2042Min. ExtiNCti...

    • [准直器] 保偏光纤准直器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:28点击:2789

             The collimator can provide a low cost solution with excellent performaNCes iNCluding low insertion loss, high return loss. In addition, various parameters of the collimator can be designed by customer's requirement such as beam spot diameter, working distaNCe, dimension et...

    • [激光器] LC94系列100-300mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:14点击:3498

      NCed wavelength and power stability performaNCe. This product has been designed to ensure superior wavelength locking over drive current, temperature and optical feedback changes. Features• Fiber Bragg Grating wavelength stabilization• High output power, up to 300mW kink free• Single-mo...

    • [激光器] LC96系列400-600mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:33:05点击:3200

      NCed wavelength and power stability performaNCe. This product has been designed to ensure superior wavelength locking over drive current, temperature and optical feedback changes. Features• Fiber Bragg Grating wavelength stabilization• High output power, up to 600mW kink free• Polarizat...

    • [激光器] LC95系列300-400mW 980nm泵浦激光器模块

      日期:2013-06-18 11:32:58点击:2781

      NCe of peak Wavelength  0.02nm/℃Wavelength toletaNCe  ±0.5nmMonitor detector responsivity1 10μa/mWMonitor dark current  50nAThermistor resistaNCe (at 25 ºC)9.51010.5kΩThermistor BETA value (±1%)353935753611kIntended laser submount operating temperature232527℃Power...

    • [光环形器] 1310,1550nm 保偏光环行器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:32:45点击:2212

      The Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator is a compact high performaNCe light wave component that routes iNComing signals from Port 1 to Port 2, and iNComing Port 2 signals to Port 3. The component provides high isolation, low insertion loss, high extiNCtion ratio, and excellent environment stability.&n...

    • [光分路器/光耦合器] 1x2/2x2 拉锥型保偏光纤耦合器

      日期:2013-06-18 11:32:36点击:2052

      FeaturesLow excess lossHigh extiNCtion ratioHigh power handlingAvailable for slow or fast axis operationTelcordia GR-1221 compliant testApplicationsOptical AmplifierPower MonitoringCoherent CommunicationFiber GyroscopeSpecificationsParametersUnitPremiumA GradePremiumA GradePort Configuration 1x2 or 2x2Ce...

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