本公司是一家专业设计研发生产加工为一体的综合型企业,本公司专业生产不锈钢封装管,镀金管,焊管,弯管异型管、准直器套管、偏心管,PLC光分路器金属模块盒,波分复用器模块盒,光开关金属封装外壳,FC/SC/LC/ST耦合设备适配器用带链防尘帽、光纤分支器分线器 产品适用与工业,光通信、医疗、电子等多个领...
产品简介 产品规格 入纤直径 分线路数规格 材质 颜色 束状1分2 3mm/5mm/7mm/8mm 2芯 0.9/2.0/3.0mm 塑料/金属 黑色白色 束状1分3 3mm/5mm/7mm/8mm 3芯 0.9/2.0/3.0mm 塑料/金属 黑色白色 束状1分4 3m...
本公司是一家专业设计研发生产加工为一体的综合型企业,本公司专业生产不锈钢封装管,镀金管,焊管,弯管异型管、准直器套管、偏心管,PLC光分路器金属模块盒,波分复用器模块盒,光开关金属封装外壳,FC/SC/LC/ST耦合设备适配器用带链防尘帽、光纤分支器分线器 产品适用与工业,光通信、医疗、电子...
Description: The 2 μm Filter Wavelength Division Multiplexer series is based on environmentally stable thin-film filter technology. The devices combine or separate light at different ...
Description: The 2 μm Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a compact high performance lightwave component that combines two orthogonal polarization signals into one output fiber. ...
Description: The 2 m Inline Polarizer is designed to pass light with one specific polarization while blocking the other polarization. It can be used to convert u...
The Polarization Maintaining Isolator is characterized with low insertion loss, high isolation, high return loss, high extinction ratio and excellent environmental stability and reliability. It is ideal for polarization maintaining fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, high spee...
The In-Line Polarizer is designed to pass light with one specific polarization while blocking the other polarization. It can be used to convert unpolarized light into polarized light with high extinction ratio. It can also be used to enhance the extinction ratio of signals with its excellent polarization prop...
The Isolator Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter is a compact device which provides both polarization beam combining and optical isolation in one integrated component. The most common a...
The collimator can provide a low cost solution with excellent performances including low insertion loss, high return loss. In addition, various parameters of the collimator can be designed by customer's requirement such as beam spot diameter, working distance, dimension et...